This will increase your immersion on a movie as much as a subwoofer. Instead of buying a second bigger subwoofer to get deep bass. I bought two of these and bolted them onto my couch. These supplemented my existing 12 inch subwoofer to make unmatched experience. I get amazing bass experience especially at low volume levels. Plus, two of these and an amp are significantly cheaper than the monster subs i was looking at

Comparez les deux vibreurs buttckiker de 1500watt rms et l'autre de 1000 Watt rms je recommande le earthquake le son même bas on arrive a ressentir des vibrations agréable malgré un ampli de class D bas de recommande sans hésiter

I searched around for a bunch of options before stumbling upon these. The bracing boards on my seats weren’t wide enough to accommodate other options and I didn’t feel like taking apart the seats to try and figure out how to add more bracing to accommodate. These fit just right and easily. I am using the 1000w Dayton sub amp and honestly don’t even have the volume even half way and it’s beyond insane (too much). I was literally riding waves of bass and IN the scene!! Still adjusting things. Bought two more after being happy with them so now I will run 4. One per seat. Highly recommended (the amp and these shakers).

At first I considered 'Buttkicker' brand until I read about this (Earthquake) transducer. It was the most expensive brand I found, but it's such an awesome product I didn't mind the extra cost. I installed this on my racing SIM chair underneath and I'm using a 200w basic, inexpensive mono subwoofer amp to power it. This transducer will handle a stronger power amp and it will vibrate the fillings from your teeth if you max it out. They aren't kidding about how strong these are. I wasn't looking for max bass shaking, just enough to make the SIM feel like a real car. I used it for hours and it doesn't even get warm (a very good thing). The amp gets slightly warm, but that's normal. This product fully meets my expectations. It would literally feel like a real earthquake with more than one and a more powerful amp. I like this much better than the subwoofer I removed. I'm not trying to go deaf. Someday I'll add a few of these to my home theater.

Acheté 2 vibreurs pour un canape d'angle et je dois dire, pas mal. Il faut le max de puissance donc mettre les niveaux au max pour le caisson. Apres c'est top comme sensation. Surtout les jeux de tir ! Je recommanderais plus 2 q10b si le budget le permet pour un canape d'angle

Veas la pelĂcula que veas, vale la pena udarlos y si juegas videojuegos definitivamente son una buena adiciĂłn si buscas incrementar la inmersiĂłn, los tengo instalados con su amplificador y tomo la señal del DENON AVRX 3800H

If you’re on the fence about this product category in general, and this device in particular, do yourself a favor and just try it. It’s what I did and it’s amazing. I just installed one MQB-1 in my sectional sofa directly under my main listening position and I can’t imagine needing more power than the MQB-1 provides. This thing adds an incredible effect to movies and feels like I added 6 more subwoofers, without any rattling or noise from the unit. I already love it!

C'est mon deuxième, toujours autant satisfait du produit

I have this attached via its bracket to an Ekornes chair with a non-destructive clamping mount that I fabricated with some 1/8" steel channel and flat stock. I power it from a secondary Sony STR DH550 Receiver I picked up at Goodwill which is fed via an HDMI splitter from whatever source I'm using since I need it to work when headphones are plugged in (which mutes all the speakers on my main Onkyo Receiver). So, it gets the signal from the splitter which goes to the Sony Receiver and then to the MQB-1. I can control the volume of the MQB-1 with the Sony Receiver while controlling the volume of the headphones via the Onkyo Receiver. I am currently using the left channel only to feed the MQB-1 as all my efforts to provide a combined left and right mono signal have been in vain. Just the same it works beautifully and adds a lot to both music and movies. Even without the headphones (Sony WH-1000XM4) and with speakers and my SVS SB16-Ultra Sub, it still adds to the enjoyment. If you're undecided, I would definitely recommend this addition to your sound system.

Awesome bit of kit. I'll be buying more of these for sure. Works as good as they said and more.

This transducer pairs well with the Dayton SA1000 amplifier. It’s powerful. I had two amps and two transducers, but sent half back. You don’t need two of these in a couch, one will chatter your teeth if you want it to. It’s fast, responsive and seamless with my pair of SVS SB3000 subs. I had a guy try out my system who owns a 30k home theater and he immediately ordered the exact pairing of this transducer and Dayton amp. Dude is running focal kantas 3’s and said he has to have this in his home. I had the aura sounds before and they were fine but you just can’t go back after this. Stop reading other reviews and buy it.

I love these and so does everyone To whom I show them. In fact 3 of my friends purchased them after experiencing mine. Not only to they add a whole new level to the movie experience, they even make listening to music more fulfilling. Best low cost way to improve your home theater experience that I have found.

I was looking for the Dayton Audio or Aura model but they where overpriced here on Amazon and mostly out of stock. This came up as Amazon renewed for $40. When arrived it was brand new in the box. I already ordered the cheap Nobsound NS-03G 100w amp as it would have been plenty of power for the Dayton transducer and was worried it wouldn't be enough power for this one. Boy was I wrong the little Nobsound NS-03G 100w amp gives it plenty of power. Even at 50% volume I had to lower the effects in Sim Hub down to like 10-25% in most levels.

Leider viel teurer, aber auch viel besser als diese kleinen flachen "Minen". Einfach um Welten besser, gute Befestigung, gute Endstufe und gut einstellbare Frequenzweiche vorausgesetzt!

Habe zwei davon an einer neuen PA-Endstufe Lab.Gruppen PDX-3000 unterm Sofa R/L verbaut. Man sollte sich davor hüten, hier vom Pegel zu viel (und von der Trennfrequenz zu hoch) einzustellen. Schließlich sollten die Effekte einen vorhandenen Subwoofer, wie im wirklichen Leben, nur haptisch ergänzen und nicht dessen Aufgabe übernehmen. Das kann bei zu hoch gewählter Trennfrequenz und Pegel sehr störend und schnell zu viel sein... Nicht jede Signalquelle liefert zudem im Infraschall-Bereich noch ausreichend Signale zum Ansteuern, speziell wenn es um lineares Fernsehen geht. BD Aufnahmen sind dafür ein "besseres" Medium. Hinsichtlich der Endstufe sollte man eher "reichlich" Leistung jew nach Beschalltung (4/8Ohm) haben und darauf achten, dass deren Frequenzgang auch noch relativ linear weiter unter 20Hz (infraschall-Bereich) herunterreicht. Bei vorgeschaltetem Prozessor/AVR ist deshalb ein per vorhandenem Einmesssystem im Bassbereich "verzerrter" Frequenzgang eher kontraproduktiv, weil meist nicht mehr linear. Da muss man dann entsprechend experimentieren, um das gewünschte akzeptable Ergebnis zu erhalten.

Update: I really hate it when reviewers say they will update after they have used the product for a while and then never do. So...I'm going to try and do better myself. I have had these for almost 3 years now and they work just as good (possbily better) than when I first got them and I still enjoy having them just as much. They really do add quite a bit to the experience of watching movies. I see they have also come down in price so what a bargain. Original: As with most things, I research until I drop! I feel the time in researching these and all of the other transducers paid off. These are extremely effective. They are very quiet but produce an amazing amount of force. They are connected to LFE signal only. I'm sure they would work great on a crossover bass signal as well, but I only wanted these to kick in when movies sent a specific LFE signal for effect. These really do take immersion to a whole new level without ever bringing attention to themselves once you get the levels dialed in. Amplify too much and they are obnoxious but fun to freak out an unsuspecting victim for the first time. To be clear, these are vibration inducers only and do not play sound, but do give you the illusion of very deep bass, much deeper than my subs could ever produce to effect my theater chairs like these do. If you have an older amp sitting around like I did, give these a try and you will be quite surprised by how much more immersive they can make explosions, gun shots, punches, and the like really come alive.

This transducer is fun. Smaller than a soda can. Feels like a midsized subwoofer is in the couch but with much heavier excursions ! Anything negative? Well this device takes a lot of power ! I run it off a channel of a crown 800xli with normal bass settings with speakers on with it, you can barely feel it. I boosted the sensitivity on the amp and gain all the way up and bass all the way up on the mixer, and all the deep bass is boosted on the 31 band equalizer, Then it's nice. I bridged the amp because one spec list said 8 ohm, one said 6 ohm. It's definitely 6 ohm. The feel was great with the amp bridged but, it started clipping off and fault led showed when you turn it on. So this little thing may need 500 watts .Wow. Hey, I never get it to bottom out, that's a good thing. A crown xls 1000 might be the amp to run this.

Tried a bunch of bass shakers. These sound great, don’t lag, and really add to the movie experience

Good kick but price is about a hundred bucks too much.

Works like a charm. Only had to go to home depot to get more 14/2 wire and a banana plug as well to extend the 3 feet that was attached. There is a sharp roll off at 28 hz, so if need be, EQ 25hz by 6db to maintain a flat frequency response to 40hz.

Power That Will Shake Your Senses
One Q10B can easily replace five traditional shakers and provide tactile power for five cinema chairs. With only one moving part, Q10 B is maintenance-free. The chassis is a large heat sink made of cast aluminum, making it capable of extremely high performance. Universal mounting options are designed into the chassis. Q10B has a power handling capability of 1000 watts, yet it is so effective that an amplifier of 300 watts is plenty for private use.
How Exactly Does A Tactile Transducer Work?
A tactile transducer or “bass shaker” is a device constructed according to the principle that subsonic bass frequencies can be felt and heard. A tactile transducer transmits low-frequency vibrations into the object it is mounted on. A tactile transducer will usually be mounted on a couch/chair, and vibrations are transferred from there to the body. This is tactile sound. Tactile transducers can supplement and sometimes replace traditional subwoofers. In situations where the environment dictates using headphones, a tactile transducer can provide the bass and impact, free of nuisance to the surroundings.
Home Theater and Music Applications
A tactile transducer gets its signal from the LFE output, which is also used by traditional subwoofers. This signal is amplified by an amplifier, which drives the tactile transducer. It articulates the low frequency effect and is very powerful and precise. The tactile transducer easily integrates with your existing subwoofer, complimenting it in the lowest frequencies.
For Gaming Applications
Tactile transducers are an explosive way to generate massive amounts of vibration, which brings you right into the game world. Installation of an Earthquake tactile device on your gaming chair will give you an incredible interactive experience. With massive percussion power and Earthquake’s patented 3D Motion™ technology, the shakers bring user immersion to a new level. With impact energy far beyond any consumer shaker, the audio enthusiast will experience unprecedented tactile response.
- Tactile performance all the way down to 5Hz
- Enhanced low frequency extension for home theater and AR/VR
- Inverted premium neodymium magnets with thermal protection circuitry
- Nearly indestructible and maintenance-free, with only one moving part
- No delayed sound effects
- Tactile output 100% of the input signal
- Flat wire aluminum voice coil
- Rugged cast aluminum heat sink
- Thermal protection
- Enhanced LFE
- High impact energy
- Large tactile power
- No cycles per life failures
- 2″ excursion @ 22Hz
- Universal mounting bracket and hardware included
- Protected by multiple patents
- Platform and 2 x 4 mounting
- Optional PB-1 S-shaped torque amplification bracket sold separately
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